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Transforming Professional Learning in Schools

Learn.EC allows school districts to consolidate all of their professional development initiatives, from new technology to curriculum to compliance for teachers and supporting staff. Learn.EC delivers anytime, anywhere access to personalized micro-courses, activity-based learning with feedback, digital badging, live training & event scheduling, and reporting.


6 PD Challenges & Learn.EC


Activity-based & gamified


Personalized with feedback


Self-paced micro-learning


Anytime, Anywhere (mobile!)


Easy scale district PD


Schedule, Register & Track

Delivery Methods

Asynchronous Cloud-Based

Cloud, based asynchronous professional learning gives busy educators access to PD anytime, anywhere, increasing the chances that they will retain the information and complete required training independently.

Live PD (Virtual or In-Person)

Scheduling and registration for in-person events like workshops, orientations, and conferences should be managed in the same learning hub as virtual, self-paced PD.

On the Go Learning

Learning on the go makes PD more convenient and fun! Deliver “Just In Time” learning opportunities where learners already spend a lot of their time – on mobile devices.

The Cost of New Teacher Attrition


More than 40% of new teachers leave in the first few years


$25,000 is the average cost of a teacher leaving the district


30% report satisfaction in the current position, and over half are considering leaving the profession (That’s 2x greater than pre-pandemic)


New teachers are 250% more likely to quit than their tenured counterparts (This is even higher for teachers with alternative certs.)

Why do teachers leave?


report lack of support & encouragement


of new teachers report lacking needed support.

Other complaints include subpar work conditions, poor admin support, & lack of collaboration.

The good news?

Research shows that mentoring, support, resources, positive school culture (and other things we can control) are able cut first-year teacher turnover by more than half!

This is what Learn.EC solves